Reflection 9

Brandy Kirstein    Chicago 2013

1. What is your definition of unity? What does that look like on an individual level? At an organizational level? At a church level? At an ecumenical level? What would a unified church look like?

2. How is it possible to achieve unity without conflict? How do members of the same body have difficult conversations on differing viewpoints of belief and identity? Are there examples of where Jesus had tough conversations with individuals for the sake of unity?

3. Give some examples of how Jesus modeled true unity. In what ways did his views on unity challenge the status quo of the day? How does His example challenge your own personal ideas on unity?

4. Give some examples of how language and culture can be building blocks to unity and how they can be divisive rather than unifying.

5. You have probably heard the phrase, “Unity is not uniformity.” How can our differences strengthen us rather than hinder us or pull us apart? How is the church benefited by diversity of ideas?