Revelation 21:1-6, 22-27,

Chris Oberg    San Diego 2017

1. Revelation 21 tells us that even the heaven we imagine today passes away, and something totally new will replace it. Talk about the “newness” of it all and the implications of this.

2. The gates of the New Jerusalem never close. How does this vision of the future inform the openness of
our faith communities today: open hospitality, open conversations, open diversity, open to what the Spirit brings?

3. It seems easier in our beloved denomination to long for the future rather than work to create it. How can Adventist Christians allow visions of the future New Jerusalem to transform (orthodoxy and orthopraxy) in the present?

4. As the book closes, one has a sense that this vision brings us a story far less manageable than we prefer. New experiences, open cities, healing that goes on into eternity. Reflect on how we might redirect our energy when the story cannot be managed by details.